Wednesday, December 29, 2010

The (Not So) Grand Finale

Heartbreak Hotel, reservation for one please.

Now that my secret has been exposed I feel like every nerve ending I have has been sandpapered. I am standing at the crossroad of Front St. and Blast Ave., naked with a neon sign that says “Here’s my heart and everything in it.” Then along comes the soft subtle breeze of easy letdown and as the chill slithers its way down my spine, I watch my heart freeze…and shatter. I will drink the bitter potion of held back tears, I will wrap myself with the blanket of a renewed spirit, and lay my head on the pillow of new beginnings. As I slowly place my hope and love back in their bags, I glance at my trusty companion, Old Hurt. His smile is menacing and unsympathetic. Not even fighting back the I told you so in his eyes. He is cruel and unkind as he gloats and revels in my heartache. To be helpful, he suggests I leave my bags right where they are. I won’t need them he says. Not going to do me any good where I’m going. No, you’re wrong I tell him. Eventually I will need them…someday…maybe. Although for now they may be better off locked away somewhere. Safe and protected until they will be of use to me. I take one last look around at my life as it was and think you know, maybe I did like that you should’ve kept this to yourself wallpaper. Why did I ever rip it down? Those better left unsaid curtains sure did look nice right where they were. Now they’re on the floor in a pile, next to my vase of dreams. As I close and lock the door on my life as it once was, Old Hurt takes my hand and reassures me that I still have him, he won’t be going anywhere anytime soon. It’s sad and comforting at the same time. I am sickened by the realization that as I move into the next phase of my life he’s still hanging around. Then again, at least I’m making this journey with someone I know.

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Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Love and Other Illnesses

I sit here in solitude, a by-product of the wreckage caused by one bad choice after another. I am ruminating on distance, loss, and what might have been. I am in love.
Funny thing about love, it will really hit you out of nowhere. A few months ago during a conversation with a friend, I was reminded that in spite of everything I should keep my heart open. I said yeah sure, my heart’s open. I admit to having been guarded for a while. I’d been in pain for so long how could I not be guarded. I understand when relationships don’t work, they just don’t work. Your fault, my fault, it’s not really relative. In the end, the issues were greater than the both of us so it didn’t work. You hurt, you recover, you go on to love again. But what happens when the person you loved and put everything into destroys you? You’ve been cheated on, deceived, abused, had your trust taken and twisted up and shot out of a cannon into the abyss of liars’ hell. The only way to get up in the morning and face the day without slapping the taste out of the next man to glance in your direction is to put a wall up around your heart. But the problem with that is when the wall goes up, you don’t just lock yourself in, you lock love out. The next time love comes looking for you you’re ready to neck roll and finger snap it away because you’re hurt and damned if you will let anyone else cause you the same pain or even anything closely resembling it. We never know how love is going to come. It could be the guy sitting across from you at church but you never see him because your other man, Hurt, is sitting by you. Maybe it was the man who smiled at you in the store but you looked at him like he was something you scraped off your shoe because good old Hurt told you that you didn’t need that man. All you needed was him because as long as you have Old Hurt you’ll never have New Hurt. Old Hurt is comfort and protection. Old Hurt doesn’t tell you that he’s blinding and deafening. You can’t see or hear love because Old Hurt has wrapped himself around you like a cheap wool blanket. Then one day you see a light. Old Hurt was slipping and left a crack. The more you see that light the more you want it. After a while you shed Old Hurt like last season’s Pradas and ever so slowly your heart starts to outgrow its fortress. You start to see and feel love all around you. Your favorite song on the radio, the shirt that hides your minor tummy imperfections, the shoes that make you feel like a diva, the friend that comforts you no matter what you’re going through or how many times you go through it. You’re loved and when you feel love you can give love. Admittedly I started finding love with the love of God. I never knew what it meant to truly let God love you until I felt like I had no love at all. *This doesn’t include my babies.* So when you let God into your heart, it has no choice but to open. When your heart opens, Old Hurt comes slinking back to remind you he’s still hanging around. The difference this time though, you don’t use Old Hurt as a means to protect you from New Hurt. This time you wrap your heart in Charmin so when New Hurt comes, it’s not nearly as difficult to deal with. New Hurt comes and goes, as it should, leaving not even a dent. Then one day you find someone has managed to slip past the layers and layers and layers of protection and found his way into your heart. The hell??? When did this happen and how did you get here?? It’s not the guy sitting across from you at church, it’s not Bottom of the Shoe Barry, it’s not even the nice guy from the library who loves books as much as you. No, it’s the one who’s held your hand as you went from one loser adventure to the next. He’s listened to you cuss and cry, watch you fall in and out of infatuation, been your knight on a white horse through it all. All of a sudden you’re excited when the phone rings and it’s him. You find yourself talking to him for hours and texting him all day. At first you say to yourself, of course I am, he’s my best friend. Then you say but wait, when did I start feeling jealous. Not that fake jealous but real honest to goodness jealousy because he’s on a date or has a girl over. What’s wrong with you?? Why is he all I think about and where did this yearning feeling come from? In a severe state of confusion and distress you call up Dr. Girlfriend and tell her your symptoms. Dr. Girlfriend my brain is swimming, my palms are sweaty, I feel warm and soft inside, my heart’s beating fast and slow at the same time, what’s wrong with me? Dr. Girlfriend shakes her head and makes the following declaration, you’re falling in love. That’ll be $50 and leave a check with my receptionist (daughter) on the way out. Well can I lay down until it passes? I can’t fall in love, not with this person. It’s impossible, it’s improbable, it could never work. As you go over every minute detail, you realize there’s no explanation, no defining moment. It just…happened. Dr. Girlfriend says it won’t pass because you don’t fall out of love. You fall out of intimacy, you fall out of trust, you fall out of respect, but you don’t fall out of love. She goes on to say you better inform him right away, as if he’s somehow in danger. Better to put it all out there and see where it can go. Oh the places we can go, the more you tell the more he’ll know. I don’t think so. Your buddy Old Hurt says you know exactly where this is going. Sad but true, we know how this story plays out. I don’t subscribe to the belief that it’s better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all. I’m more of a it’s better to love in silence and keep my best friend then to tell him and have no best friend at all. He’s the one man I can always be myself with and I can tell anything to without judgment. I’ve never had that before. Why risk losing it because I couldn’t keep my heart in check? Marvin Gaye said a one way love is just a fantasy and right now I can live with that. I can live with best friend in reality and whatever else in my head. Ah yes, the obvious question, how do you know he doesn’t feel the same or similar? Come on girls, we know these things. When someone is that close to us, we know. We know if someone has even a passing interest in us. I don’t believe that just because I’m feeling this way, it needs to be explored and expanded. I think that’s where we turn the key to Pandora’s box. The expectation that because one person is falling the other person should adjust (or be willing to) the present relationship. Not so. If we could take this flour, egg, and sugar and make something of it then great. But for now I’m just content to feel something. To know I’m capable of feeling this way again about another person just may be enough. And my heart couldn’t have chosen a better man.

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Sunday, December 26, 2010

Using My Happy

The first time I heard that phrase was when a friend of mine posted it on Facebook. He was refusing to let some random stranger piss him off and cause him to have a bad day. He said he was going to "use his happy". Bear in mind, this man is a minister and has all the patience and compassion you would expect from a man of God. He is full of love for the Lord and love of the Lord. I can hardly think of a time when he can't immediately flip his switch and use his happy. After I read this I declared from then on I would try to use my happy. I didn't really think about what that meant in its entirety at the time. I had relegated its use to the times I had to interact with my neighbor, dealing with the senseless drones driving the streets of Oklahoma City, or people who don't believe in good customer service. I had not considered that maybe it needed to be applied in my everyday life. I don't remember exactly what led to my epiphany, I had already endured so much in my relationship. I can tell you it was a combination of things, one of which being a picture I'd seen of Eva and Tony Parker. Obviously at the time they were a young happy couple still behaving like newlyweds. What caught my attention was the way Eva looked at Tony. Every time I saw a picture of the two of them, she was always looking at him with so much love in her eyes it just jumped off the page and grabbed my heart. Then I would go interact with my "Tony Parker" and after a while I realized, I didn't feel that way. There was no love or admiration in my eyes. It was just dead. If the eyes are the windows to the soul then what does that say about what's in my heart? This is not me saying I don't love or that I feel nothing for him. But I'm certainly not in love and you know what, neither is he. Here we are years and kids later and our relationship is more fragile than when we first started 10 years ago. We were stronger for a while but that was before I started working again (that's another blog). Once I realized that love exists between us but not "in love" I decided I was long overdue for using my happy at home. I was living the life of the good housewife (without the wife part) but other than being satisfied that the house and my kids were taken care of, I had no true happy for myself. I lived to make sure everyone around me was happy. If that meant I had to sacrifice to the point it hurt or I lost sleep behind it, I would. I had a family, they have needs, it's all on my shoulders. But it shouldn't be. I'm not the only adult or parent in the house, why is it all on me? Because I'm the matriarch?? I'm too young for that. I've still got life in me. I'm not ready for the rocking chair and babies playing at my knee. Can't I be a mother and still be a woman? Shouldn't my happy constitute more than watching my favorite shows on the telly and readhing a good book once in a while? Of course it should, this is my life and I have to live it. I only have the one. So I started doing more things for myself and asking for what I wanted from my relationship. One would think a man who loves his woman would pat her on the back and say, I'm happy for you, it's about time you started living your life. But no, all I got was more problems. More problems, more arguments, more insecurities rising to the surface. He could use or smother his happiness at will but for me, if my life and love doesn't revolve around what's going on in 1432 then I'm either cheating or I've met someone and am about to cheat. Well before this man came into my life I was strong-willed and independent. I'm still independent but somewhere along the way I gave up my will to make him happy and feel safe. I think at the time I thought it was a temporary but necessary shift to ease his mind and introduce him to a quasi-normal life and a quasi-normal relationship. All it did was turn me into someone I didn't recognize. I'm stronger for it but I'm not happy. But don't cry for me Argentina, I've gone into the cave and when I come out I will be using my happy in epic proportions. My happy will be so explosive and mind blowing it will surely leave bodies in its wake. One in particular. And I can't be concerned with that anymore because that means compromising ME again. I'm no longer inclined to do that. It doesn't make me happy.

"So what if it hurts me. So what if I break down. So what if this world just throws me off the edge, my feet run out of ground. I gotta find my place, I wanna hear my sound. Don't care about all the pain in front of me. I just wanna be..happy" - Leona Lewis

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